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Thomas, M., J.M., Serres, J.R., Rakotomamonjy, T., Ruffier, F. and Morice AHP .  (2023)  Visual augmentation of deck-ability improves decisions for helicopter ship landing decisions, Scientific Reports 13, 5119 (2023).

 Soltani, PMorice AHP. (2023) A multi-scale analysis of basketball throw in virtual reality for tracking perceptual-motor expertise. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 33:2, 178-188

Serres, J.R., Morice AHP, Blary C., Miot, R., Montagne, G. et Ruffier, F. (2022) Floor and ceiling mirror configurations to study altitude control in honeybees, Biology Letters, 18:20210534⟨10.1098/rsbl.2021.0534⟩.

 Morice AHP, Rakotomamonjy T, Serres JR, Ruffier F (2021) Ecological design of augmentation improves helicopter ship landing maneuvers: An approach in augmented virtuality. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255779.

 Thomas, M., José M. Pereira Figueira, J.M., Serres, J.R., Rakotomamonjy, T., Ruffier, F. and Morice, A.H.P. (2021) Helicopter Pilots Synchronize Their Altitude with Ship Heave to Minimize Energy When Landing on a Ship ’ s Deck, The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology31:2, 135-148,

 Soltani, P., Morice, A.H.P. (2020) Augmented reality tools for sports education and training, Computers & Education, 155, 103923,

 Jacobs, D.M., Morice, A.H.P., Camachon, C., Montagne, G. (2018) Eye position affects flight altitude in visual approach to landing independent of level of expertise of pilot, Plos One, 13(5): e0197585.

 Ibáñez-Gijón, J, Buekers, M., Morice, AH.P., Rao, G., Mascret, N., Laurin, J., & Montagne, G. (2017), A scale-based approach to interdisciplinary research and expertise in sports, Journal of Sports Sciences, 35(3), 290-301, doi: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1164330

 Buekers, M., Ibáñez-Gijón, J., Morice, AH.P., Rao, G., Mascret, N., Laurin, J., & Montagne, G. (2016), Interdisciplinary research: a promising approach to investigate elite performance in sportsQuest,doi:10.1080/00336297.2016.1152982

 Marti, G., Morice, A.H.P. & Montagne, G. (2015) Drivers’ decision-making when attempting to cross an intersection results from competition betwwen affordances, Frontiers in Human Neurosciences, 8:1026. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.01026 

 Basilio N., Morice, A.H.P., Marti, G., Montagne, G. (2015) High and low order overtaking-ability affordances: Drivers rely on the maximum velocity and acceleration of their cars to perform overtaking maneuversHuman Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,57 (5), 879-894,doi:10.1177/0018720815583581

 Morice, A.H.P., Diaz, G.J., Fajen, B.R., Basilio, N., Montagne, G. (2015) An affordance-based approach to visually guided overtakingEcological Psychology, 27(1), 1-25, doi:10.1080/10407413.2015.991641

 Morice, A.H.P., Wallet, G., Montagne, G. (2014) Is perception of self-motion speed a necessary condition for intercepting a moving target on foot ? Neuroscience Letters. 566, 315-319, doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2014.02.030

 Francois, M., Morice, A.H.P., Bootsma, R.J., & Montagne, G. (2011). Visual control of walking velocityNeuroscience Research, 70 (2), 214-219, doi:10.1016/j.neures.2011.02.003

 Francois, M., Morice, A.H.P., Blouin, J., & Montagne, G. (2011). Age-related decline in sensory processing for locomotion and interceptionNeuroscience. 172, 366-378, doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.09.020

 Bootsma, R.J., Fernandez, L., Morice, A.H.P.& Montagne, G. (2010). Top-level players’ visual control of interceptive actions : Bootsma and van Wieringen (1990) 20 years laterJournal of Experimental Psychology : Human Perception and Performance. 36 (4), 1056-1063, doi:10.1037/a0019327

 Morice, A.H.P., Francois, M., Jacobs, D.M., & Montagne, G. (2010). Environmental constraints modify the way an interceptive action is controlledExperimental Brain Research,202 (2), 397-411, doi:10.1007/s00221-009-2147-0

 Bastin, J., Jacobs, D.M., Morice, A.H.P., Craig, C., & Montagne, G. (2008). Testing the role of expansion in the prospective control of locomotionExperimental Brain Research, 191 (3), 301-312, doi:10.1007/s00221-008-1522-6

 Morice, A.H.P., Siegler I.A, Bardy, B.G. (2008) Action-perception patterns in virtual ball-bouncing: Combating system latency and tracking functional validityJournal of Neuroscience Methods, 169 (1), 255-266,doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2007.11.020

 Morice, A.H.P., Siegler I., Warren W.H., Bardy B. (2007) Learning new perception-action solutions in virtual ball bouncingExperimental Brain Research, 181 (2), 249-265, doi:10.1007/s00221-007-0924-1